Wednesday, October 31, 2012


We did things a bit different this are growing up and starting to want to "do things" differently.

Grace went trick-or-treating with some friends from school (thanks Ragsdale's for letting her tag along with you all).

Marty, Hunter and I went to our church party, then drove around and let Hunter trick-or-treat down some roads in a subdivision.

We all dressed up this year (including me and Marty)!  A fun night for all!

Grace as a NERD

Amy as an "OLD MAN"

Hunter as a GATOR'S FAN

Marty as "MITT ROMNEY"
Marty and Amy (Mitt and Old Man)
Grace with her friends

Time -- goes so fast

It's hard not to grow weary in the day to day grind, but when you stop to look back at where you've been, and what your kids were like (and looked like) when they were younger compared to hits you!  
Lesson: Learn to "stop and smell the roses".  Enjoy each moment you are given...while glorifying God in all you do.  

Grace - 10 yrs old

Hunter - 12 yrs old

My babies awhile ago

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Our daily bread

The past 3 weeks have been.....rough.  I had to have a hysterectomy on 9/25.  While the surgeon was doing the proceedure, he discovered many other abnormalities.  To  make a long story short, he had to remove my cervix, uterus, one ovary (due to endometriosis), many adhesions (scar tissue that had "taken over" my bladder), stitch my bladder once he removed the adhesions from my bladder, and repair a hernia (that I didn't even know I had). Because of the bladder issues, I had to come home after 5 days in the hospital with a foley catheter for a week. 

While in the hospital, it was discovered (due to tachycardia - fast heart rate) and some SOB (shortness of breath) that I had atelectasis (partial collapsed lung) in both lungs.  Tis the reason I had to stay in the hospital 5 nights instead of the normal 2-3 nights. I am now having to do breathing/coughing exercises to help this condition.

Today makes 3 weeks since surgery, and I am starting to feel more like myself every day; although I still haven't been cleared to drive yet.

Even though I went through all of this, I am so very grateful for so many things.

*I am thankful for my mother-in-law, Mary who flew down to help with the kids for 17 days.
*I am thankful for my husband who has done so much for me.....from helping me shower, to wiping my booty, to getting up with me every 2 hours in the night to give me my pain meds and help me back into the bed.
*I am thankful for my mom and sisters for all their help with me and my kids---especially since Mary left.
*I am thankful for all the people who have brought in dinner for us these past 3 weeks.....we haven't had to cook for 3 weeks!
*I am thankful for my friends who come to see me -- just to sit with me to chat (to help me mentally...cause sitting/laying at home sure can get to you).
*But most importantly, I am thankful for my Lord and Savior who has been with me every step of the way.  He has shown me so many things in these past 3 weeks -- His grace and mercy is so awesome.

My sister in law's facebook post really spoke to me the other day....she wrote "Give us today our daily bread".  Enough said.  One day at a time.

To those that have helped me in anyway....thank you!  I love and appreciate you all so much!  :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Grace turns 10

SO...for Hunter's big 10th birthday (2 years ago), we told him he could have a limo for a few hours.  Agenda: pick up him and a few friends (and us parentals of course) at the house, go to Chili's for dinner, then to the Dollar Tree to pick out a few treats, then to Marble Slab Creamery for dessert.

So needless to say, Grace has been looking forward to her 10th birthday, and the chance to have her limo party.  :)

She picked out the hot pink limo.  Invited a few friends to join her, and went out on the town (parentals included).  
Agenda: pick up at house, go to Panera for dinner, then to Aunt Amber and Uncle Nate's house for hair feathers/nail painting/cake/ice cream, then home.

It was fun...LOUD, but fun.  They all seem to enjoy it.  

Big 10th birthday for kids ----- check.  :)

Oh me oh my!

Wow, I've been a slacker at updating this blog!  Time flies.

OK, so.....what a year we have had so far (and it's only 1/2 over).

1. Amber (my youngest sister who is pregnant with her 2nd) was diagnosed with "Complete Placenta Previa" weeks ago (was told there was only a 1% chance the placenta would move), BUT a her last check-up/OB ultrasound, it did!  So now she is no longer considered "high risk pregnancy", and can go about her activities as usual with a normal due date!  God is good.

2. Mom had to be taken to the ER for left arm numbness a few weeks ago (all tests for that -- ruling out stroke/heart attack came back normal).  But while in ER, she got some blood work back indicating her cancer might be back (had breast CA 4 years ago).  BUT a miracle...after seeing an oncologist and having a body scan and several CT scans, NO CANCER (just a tiny kidney stone and some arthritis).  God is good.

3. At my annual GYN exam a few weeks ago, it was discovered via pelvic ultrasound that I had a "large complex mass" on my left ovary and needed surgery to remove it (and possibly the entire ovary).  Once the cyst was removed, it would be sent to pathology to determine if it was malignant (cancer) or benign.  BUT a miracle...once in surgery, it was discovered NO MASS (= no cancer), but rather excessive scar tissue that was pulling my bladder and uterus up into a ball.  I will need another surgery for this (a hysterectomy) in the near future, but am thankful no cancer.  God is good.

So....yep, busy year we've had so far, but see God's hand in it all, and am thankful for His peace through it all.  God is good....all the time.  :)

Looking forward to a great summer.  Kids last 3 days of school are this week, and then we will be in summer/relaxation mode.  :)