Tuesday, September 13, 2011


It's another school year already...and it's already CRAZY! It's a good crazy though. :) I'll take any day when I am going "crazy" with:

* taking the kids to and from school/skating and clogging practices/church activities/friends houses,

* doing homework (even if it's hours of homework) with them,

* tucking them in at night, only to have them ask EVERY night to lay with them just a bit longer, or tell them another story,

* washing their hair and body for them because they have a hurt elbow or cut chin,

* sitting with them in the hospital when they've just had the worst headache in the world,

* teaching them (sometimes the same lessons over and over) about what the Bible says and how we are to live, or

* just being there for them whenever they need me (or don't think they need me).

I am truly thankful and blessed. Amazed to think God has allowed me to raise HIS children in this world. He trusts me! He picked US to be Hunter and Grace's parents. Wow...now that is a job! But a good crazy job! :)

As we go about our days, each day seems to go faster than the one before. Time is flying by, and I just don't want to waste any time....don't want to waste anytime with my kids, husband, family, friends....but most importantly waste any time doing something that just doesn't matter in the end...isn't glorifying to God...isn't encouraging to others...isn't making disciples...isn't knowing Christ more, and making Him known to others.

My prayer this school year is to die to myself. Lay down my life for others. Raise up my children in the way they should go....so in turn they too will have the same goal...to KNOW CHRIST AND MAKE HIM KNOWN.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


My sister, Amber and I make and sell crocheted hairclips, headbands and pins. 50% of the profits go to The Magdalene Project (a non-profit organization that helps rescue, reveal and restore victims of human trafficking).

Check out what The Magdalene Project is all about at

My daughter

I am pleased to announce that my 9-year-old daughter is crocheting and selling items...giving 50% of the profits to a family in need....the Lowe family. They are our cousins who live in the DC area. You can read about their story at http://www.momofsix.com/
Grace's website is http://www.foryouforthem.blogspot.com/ Check it out! :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break 2011

This year for the kids spring break, we rented a beach house at St. George Island with Marty's mom (Nana) and another family from our church (The Nunez family). We stayed 3 nights/4 days. We had beautiful weather, and had a great time playing cards, reading books, taking walks on the beach, cooking/eating, swimming, and just plain....relaxing!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Grace is 9 years old!

I know everyone says it, but really....where does the time go??!! She was just a baby! We are so blessed to have 2 wonderful children. They grow up so fast. It's amazing how fast time flies by!

Grace celebrated her 9th birthday 1) on Saturday at Skate World with a few girls from her class and speed skating team --- A lady from Marty's work made her a "speed skating" birthday cake for this party, and then 2) today (Monday -- her actual birthday). They didn't have school today, since it was a "teacher planning day", so she lounged around in her pj's all morning, then we went to the mall. Every year they get to pick what they want for dinner, so she picked to go eat at Panera (her favorite restaurant) and eat some broccoli and cheese soup. We came home and had some cookie cake and opened presents.

Thanks to all of our family and friends for the birthday wishes for her....we are so thankful to have you all in our lives!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A speed-skater in the family

Grace has been taking speed skating lessons twice a week for 6 months now. She absolutely loves it!

Today was her first speed skating competition (here in Tallahassee). We had to be there at 5:00 AM to get her ready (checked-in and warmed up)
for the races that started at 6:00 AM. She raced the 200 meter and 300 meter rookie AND novice races, and even participated in 2 - 2000 meter relay races today.

Even though she didn't place, we are so very proud of her, and look forward to many more meets in the future!

GO GRACE! We are so proud of you and love you so much!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Well, we made it 6 years without the diagnosis in our family, but Hunter was officially diagnosed with it today....poor buddy has the flu (high fever, cough and body aches). Yah, I know---bad nurse/mom Amy...it's true...I didn't get my kids vaccinated this year. Slap on the hand for me. Lesson learned.

Praying no one else gets it, especially since 1. Grace has her first speed skating competition THIS Sunday, and 2. little Ford is just 6 weeks old (the Wienerts are living with us for awhile while their home repairs are done).

Praying for a peaceful, relaxing weekend. Sometimes we need something like this to slow us down....to remind us just how blessed we are. Blessed for family, health, food, shelter.
As a FYI....Hunter has his own website -- check it out at http://www.hdfitz.blogspot.com/

Monday, January 31, 2011

Nothing like it!

Priceless.....to watch your 8-year old daughter publicly acknowledge Jesus as Lord via water baptism!

Grace decided she was ready to be baptized yesterday. We weren't sure if she really understood what it meant, so we asked her.....

She explained it all to us....that getting baptized means you are dying to yourself to live for Christ (in front of people).

She got it!

God is so good and faithful! We are so excited she has chosen to live her life for the Lord!