Sunday, December 28, 2008

Marty's 40th birthday

Well, it finally arrived....Marty's 40th birthday. Needless to say, he's not too thrilled about it; however, he seemed to have a good day. His family came up to visit/celebrate for the weekend. We had a good time with them...went to Tom Brown Park, had a turkey dinner one night (made by Marty's mom), played mexican train dominoes and yahtzee, went to church together, and even went to Chuckee Cheese (and made it out alive/sane). Here are some pictures of the weekend.......


Dana said...

man that cake looks delish! Happy birthday old man, um, I mean Marty!

sdfink said...

Wow--to be honest, I had no idea you were even near the big 4-0! I thought it was just ME who was the oldie but goldie! ;) Hey--Amy--please tell your dear hubby that at least he's not about to turn 44 as I am in January!!! Yikes!!! He's STILL a baby! :) Sounds like ya'll gave him super duper wonderfully fun day!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday ....Marty! Sorry we could not be there too! We all love you! May god Bless Your 40th year!
Love ya Marinell,Bob,Anna,Alice,Seth,Joel&