Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My little reindeer

Grace was excited to wear her reindeer antlers and red nose today to school (today was "reindeer day" in her class). It's neat seeing her grow and mature...neat, but sad at the same time. She is growing up so fast. It's hard to believe my baby will be 7 in March. I was reminded via a friend's e-mail that we need to treasure every day....that December 16, 2008 only comes once, and then it's gone forever...no turning back. Every day is a treasure.


Aubreygirl said...

You have a cute little reindeer! What a treasure they all are. You nailed it about our one shot at each day! Also, how great it is to see your mom doing so well! What a great report!

Angela said...

What a cutie she IS!!! The girls are so excited for this weekend! Can't wait to see everyone.

Dana said...

That is the sweetest little reindeer I've ever seen!

Amber Claire Wienert said...

Haha -- that is the reindeer nose she got from the Christmas parade!
P.S. Check out my blog. I changed the layout (Angela showed me how!).