Thursday, March 26, 2009

Another thing added to "My favorite things"

I have a new favorite book (and that means a lot coming from me, because I really don't enjoy reading). I am not quite done reading it yet, but I am loving it so far. It is speaking words of encouragement and knowledge to me...words that I need to a simple, practical way (I'm very "simple-minded"---no laughing please!). If you're looking for a book to help you with your family life, raising your children up to love and serve God, and providing a spiritually and emotionally safe place for your children, then you might want to check this book out too. Just thought I'd share.... :)


sdfink said...
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sdfink said...

(My other comment had typos and since you can't just go back in and edit, you have to delete and rewrite comments.)

Hey Amy--thanks for the book review and recommendation. Everything you said makes me want me to read it. I need "simpler, straightforward" reads myself because I don't have long stretches of time to devote to long, complicated novels and such. Anything to help with Godly parenting and life in general is worth a try in my book too. Thanks!

Dana said...

I just wanted to say that you are one of the LEAST simple minded people I know! I'll have to check out this book now, based on your recommendation. Like I need another book to add to the stack though! LOL