Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Last basketball game of the season

Hunter had his last "upwards" basketball game on Saturday. We were very proud of him for sticking it out through the entire season (although quitting wasn't really even an option). He is an awesome defensive player....on his man all the time! In the last game, he was passed the ball, and took a shot----the ball hit the backboard, then the rim, then---bounced out. :( But, we were soooo excited he tried and took the shot!!!! His face was glowing with excitement too! It was cool. Great job, HD! We are proud of you! Grace wants to play next year too! :)


Angela said...

Wish we could have seen his last game, but glad we made it to at least one!

sdfink said...

WOOT!!!! You go Hunter!!! The only regret is if you'd never taken the shot...you took it and that's all that matters!!! :) Yay!! What a great basketball team and coach you have!