Monday, March 28, 2011

Grace is 9 years old!

I know everyone says it, but really....where does the time go??!! She was just a baby! We are so blessed to have 2 wonderful children. They grow up so fast. It's amazing how fast time flies by!

Grace celebrated her 9th birthday 1) on Saturday at Skate World with a few girls from her class and speed skating team --- A lady from Marty's work made her a "speed skating" birthday cake for this party, and then 2) today (Monday -- her actual birthday). They didn't have school today, since it was a "teacher planning day", so she lounged around in her pj's all morning, then we went to the mall. Every year they get to pick what they want for dinner, so she picked to go eat at Panera (her favorite restaurant) and eat some broccoli and cheese soup. We came home and had some cookie cake and opened presents.

Thanks to all of our family and friends for the birthday wishes for her....we are so thankful to have you all in our lives!

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